Our Worship Arts Conferences & Camps are designed to equip, train, and release those who desire to worship in Spirit and in Truth... and to do so with excellence and skill. Faculty provide training for all levels through dance classes, biblical teaching, and worship sessions. Seminars include instruction in a variety of dance styles, movement arts, and other areas of worship expression. Our Worship Arts Conferences are normally held in January and July. Additional camps and workshops may be scheduled at other times for special ministry training.
Every other January (circumstances allowing), ZCWA also hosts a Gathering for Israel Winter Conference. The goal of this conference is to help the Christian Church grow in its scriptural understanding of our Hebraic roots and our relationship to, and support of, Israel and the Jewish people. This unique event offers teaching sessions by renowned speakers, Israeli/Messianic dance workshops, special times of prayer and intercession, plus preparation for those interested in Israel missions trips.